Your body is a flower that life let bloom….

Show me a woman with a perfect body and I will show you someone who hates their ear lobes!

I have a thought about body image. It is the most cherished, sought after concept in this society. Here’s the thing… everyone has their own issue with the body they were given whether it was blessed to them by god, done to themselves or affected by disease or tragedy. It is the golden chalice of women of all ages. Even when you have the perfect body by the media’s standards – that woman would find something they hate about themselves. It is constantly ridiculed in the media of the common celebrity, is she pregnant? she is getting fat! Look at all that cellulite on her thighs! Get rock hard abs like this photo shopped woman! Is she anorexic, look how sickly she is! – The whole thing makes me sick. I say this as a hypocrite. We are all hypocrites on this issue and that also makes me sick. Whoever says that they are 100% happy with how they look is lying. It is not in our nature, we are always striving for perfection… but what is perfection?

With this new venture that I am going through, it has given me the opportunity the really think about where I am in my life and how I feel about myself. I have always had issues with my self-confidence (who doesn’t). What got me really thinking is how in-tune my fiance is to my self-awareness. For example — I have very large ta-ta’s. They are spectacular and I am very proud of them. I am however, extremely self-conscious with how much of them I reveal to the public. They also affect me GREATLY on if I am running or even walking down flipping stairs. They are my shelf when I am eating to catch any leftovers and we have a very love/hate relationship. My fiance loves them (what guy wouldn’t) but he knows how much they bother me. He very lovingly, sometimes jokingly, points out when they are hoarding food or trying to make an appearance. ::sigh:: Oh, to be a c-cup! Anyways, I am also overweight. Knowing that I am going on this diet of course makes me at least a little bit hopeful that I will lose some weight but I know it is important to keep my eye on the goal which is to be healthy and remove the toxins from my body. The rest will follow.

In the meantime, I will attempt to be mindful of the people around me and how I react to them. I find that I am a judgmental person and I can be pretty loudmouthed. Mostly, it is in good fun but like I said before… sometimes, I don’t know if I am just a bitch sometimes. I vow to respect people more (all people because women are not the only ones that have body issues) and give everyone a high-five!

On a side note – I had a more in-depth conversation with my fiance and I feel so much better about his involvement with the diet. At first, I didn’t know if he truly understood the intensity of the change and if he was blindly supporting me. We talked briefly about all of the chemicals in foods that we eat and how much better he felt today when he ate natural venison for lunch which a friend of ours had brought over for us. He wanted me to look at local farms to find out if we would be able to get any locally. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders because I was really getting worried (and lord knows the more weight off my shoulders, the better my ta-ta’s feel!). I now feel like we are a team in this journey! Ugh, talking about taking weights off makes me need to take off my bra… I am now going to go park my size 18 ass in bed where I belong! 🙂

Something to think about regarding today’s views on the woman’s body – Marilyn Monroe is considering the most beautiful woman, ever. She was a size 14.

Body Types

One thought on “Your body is a flower that life let bloom….

  1. I just read the entirety of what you’ve posted up to this point and I have a few thoughts that may or may not be of use to you. I’ve been on some variation of a diet for my entire life for varying reasons. I went from a teenager with body image issues and unhealthy habits to a vegetarian convinced meat was making me ill to a partially paleo workout freak adult. Every step of the way I had people telling me my diet (whatever it was at the time) was ridiculous, or unnecessary, or unhealthy. It wasn’t until a year or so ago that people began supporting me and all I can say is that many people hate to see others succeed where they cannot, they hate that the good choices you make for yourself force them to examine the bad ones they are making.

    That said, for every one of those people in your life who scoff at your chicken and broccoli dinner with water, there will be just as many of us happy to share our favorite recipes, make you a healthy dessert, take you to the gym, or offer our shoulders to cry on over the loss of sweet sweet beer. I’m here in any way you need or want. I believe in you!

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