Project Life (4): Update!… Sorta

Project Life Update

Update isn’t really the right word because I haven’t posted one yet so this is really the initial one. Spoiler Alert!! I am putting my before pictures here so that way I can post later on with continual updates and I can share my accountability and success with everyone. πŸ™‚



From my last post, you all know that I had a really bad weekend full of cheesecake and self loathing. I am just eternally grateful that I did not gain any weight as a result and lost half a pound! I am focused now more than ever and the numbers will be changing more dramatically from here on out. If I do have more me days though, 20140312_211352that is okay too because that will happen now and again. I’ve done really well in tracking my habits too, if you remember my inspiration wall I have a poster noted as forming habits where I am noting my calories and fitness calories burns every day! Even when its a bad day, I still log it so I can track certain things, I note on the calendar what I do exactly so I can refer back to it. I feel like I am starting to get a system together. I think it will take a couple more weeks but its getting there. I signed up for Kickboxing classes too!!! I start that on Saturday morning which I am super excited and super horrified about!!! No matter what though, I know that I will get the results that I am looking for.

Well, this is it for now but I’m knocking this down as a success for right now. You have to start somewhere and considering my troubles last week, this is not so damn bad!

Project Life (3): Defeat is always Momentary

I knew that it would get to that point. That ultimate moment where you are climbing on the high of success that you fall off the ladder into a thorn bush. I did extremely well all week, I worked out almost every day and I’ve been eating within my calorie limit. It wasn’t until Friday that I fell into the pit of self-sabotage.

It started with a simple Doctor’s appointment. A follow up for my blood pressure and make sure that my headaches are under control. I was fairly excited because I knew that I had lost some weight since my last appointment and it was an early start so I wouldn’t be too late for work. I arrived with a smile and found that I was accurate in the sense that I am 12 pounds lighter than I was two months ago. A couple of laughs with the nurse and my good friend Jackie, turns out my blood pressure is amazingly normal. 120/72! Oh yeah baby. Not too long after, the doctor comes in and we chit chat and go through the list of my meds as we do every time we see each other and make sure everything is correct and what I need more of and what not. After all of the formalities, I casually mention that my hands get super cold very easily and stays cold for about an hour and they get numb. I mentioned this after joking about how much I am ready for warmer weather. She noticed my fingers are a darker red/purpleish color and noticed that they were still ice cold after being in the building on this 45 degree day for a little over an hour. She started pushing different parts of my hands to see the reaction time of when the blood returns and did the same to my feet. Apparently, I have textbook Raynaud’s Disease. Another diagnosis on the list!! She was really concerned with the blood flow and wanted it checked out right away. Off to Sturdy Memorial Hospital I went! I had to wait an hour and a half for extensive blood work and then another two hours for a full scan to make sure I didn’t have any blockage in my circulatory system. When I was waiting to get scanned, which is the same area that I do every three months to scan Henry, one of the regular nurses looked at me and asked if I had my hair different. We hadn’t spoken before this and I didn’t even know her name but she recognized me to the point that my darker brown hair made the difference.

Once that was said, there wasn’t going back. I felt at home and very comfortable and that scared the ever loving shit out of me. I don’t want to be comfortable at the hospital. I don’t want to be here so often that randos recognize me. This is not the life I want for myself. What was supposed to be a quick appointment turned into a day long visit in the hospital and throwing up from the stress. It broke me. I hadn’t eaten anything all day by the time I left and I wasn’t really hungry. I called my mother sobbing because I’ve reached my limit. Although I have calmed down considerably, I am still not sure how much more I can handle. I’ve lost count of my diagnoses.

My mother helped convince me to take a “me day” and relax and to eat whatever I want because I need it. She bought me a pizza and breadsticks and I bought a cheesecake on the way home. I admit that I may have gone a bit overboard but at the time, I gave zero fucks. I didn’t work out Friday and I went way over my calorie count. oh-yea-well-fuck-you-too-broccoliSaturday, I also didn’t work out and went over my calorie count but not as much. At the same time, I was still really down and trying to get rid of the evidence that remained in the fridge. I saw the therapist on Saturday and she helped me justify my reaction by telling me that I am always going to have setbacks. We always want progress in a straight upwards line but the truth is, the line is wavy and there are high points and low points but no matter what, if you don’t give up… it will continue to go in the upward motion.

Today, I started the day with some greek yogurt and a banana. I am feeling a lot better about the future. Luckily, I didn’t gain anything from my sabotaged weekend and lost 1/2 a pound. I consider this a victory.

Truth is, the new diagnosis is not a big deal. I have to get polypropylene gloves to keep my hands warm but as long as nothing comes up on the scans or blood work, I don’t need meds for it or anything like that. It’s definitely becoming more of a struggle though to find the motivation to work out everyday. This weekend took me out of inertia and I lost a lot of energy. Trying to get it back has proven to be even more difficult than before. This is my current struggle but even with the goddamn setback that I needed, this isn’t giving up.

Either tonight or tomorrow, I will post my “UPDATE” with my before pictures and measurements and crap. If you don’t want to know it, don’t look at it! If you do and feel like fat shaming me or being an asshole, fuck you – I won’t approve it. πŸ™‚

Project Life (2): Ouch! My Hip!!

There is nothing like that cold, painful and sticky residue on your face from that slap of reality. In this case, that reality is how out of shape I really am. I’ve heard things… I’ve heard things crack that I didn’t know was possible. My muscles have been awakened and they have loudly expressed their displeasure. The mornings have been a series of life alert commercials and wobbling to the bathroom carefully holding my back. It has not been a smooth transition into health mode and I don’t expect it to get easier. I will say one thing though, I am noticing a difference in things other than my decrepit body.


The last few days have been a series of epiphanies and findingΒ different motivations. I weighed myself Tuesday morning after getting a scale finally and found that I’ve lost 8lbs since the last time I’ve been weighed about 6 weeks ago. Knowing that I have started losing right out of the gate is so much more of a relief than the crushing realization of being your heaviest and going from there. Let me just say – what the fuck is with scales now a days?? Every single scale is one of those fancy digital ones with all the bullshit on it. I just want an accurate reading of my weight. No, I don’t need one that talks to me or tells me my BMI or keeps a pie chart. Luckily, I found a cheap one that is the equivalent to the rotary phone but I couldn’t be happier. Yep – screw you and your $150 piece of shit scale! I will take my $11 one and be thrilled! Don’t worry, I’m not going all “My precious” with it but it has been on my mind.

I’ve hit the ground running, per the cliche, in regards to the new life. I’ve decided that At the end of the week, I will list theΒ days and my calorie count for each day and how much I worked out. This way I am accountable and can keep track on here as well as on my tracker at home. I shall call this…. UPDATE! We’ve gone to the gym every day with the exception of Monday because I was so nauseous and I’ve gained more stamina and determination with each visit. Yesterday, I started to enjoy how hard I was working on the treadmill and felt my body react differently to the workout. I liked the burn and pushed for more instead of slowed down and cowered away. Food wise, I have been doing exceptionally well if I do say so myself. I’ve been within my 1260 limit for the past two days and really being aware of what I eat. Surprisingly enough, I’ve been able to keep my cravings in check or indulge, just not over indulge and account for it. It’s been interesting so far but having the support of three co-workers specifically that I see constantly, it has been incredibly helpful. I almost feel like I’ve never gone through this before because of how well-planned this is and how I am doing. I have NEVER been to the point where I was okay to go to the gym everyday. I am keeping in mind that this is still the first week and it usually gets more difficult within the next few but I have high hopes. I’m sick of starting over.

Project Life (1) : Shut up and Squat!

Project life officially started on Saturday, March 1st and the weekend went “okay.” I have definitely become more mindful of what I am eating and counting calories has been such a wake up call that it has shown me just how much my choices have been affecting me. I was faced with some challenges this weekend though and I am certainly paying for them. The changes that I am instilling is that I will be eating much healthier within a calorie goal of 1280/day. Exercising or at least moving every day. Continuing with the 993022_617707251617404_1261670445_ncleaning schedule and participating in an Ab & Squat Challenge that I saw from a Facebook friend Adventures of a Shrinking Fat Girl. I’ve made sure that the people around me are aware of my feelings and goals and I have more encouragement and guidance than I ever had before. Also, I made an inspiration wall for my bedroom so I can see every day why I am making the decisions that I am making. There are a few quotes that really spoke to me, one talked about three months from now, you will wish you started today. Another one is “You don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great.” That really helped me in the right direction.

Inspiration Wall
Inspiration Wall

Day 1: Saturday went really well for the most part. It started with waking up early and going grocery shopping before 9am which was fantastic. I had made a list of all the food I wanted to get and had a ecd735f77a67f8531f89278d608cf313plan to make a “Snack drawer” (Thanks Pinterest!). I even had a friend of mine make notes on my list to help with any more direction I needed. Then we went to Walgreen to get Whey Protein and a scale so I can begin to track my progress. Apparently, scales are hard to come by because there was only one place that it is carried and they were completely out of them. The whey protein was a smaller container and only $15 with my points so Michael was more apt to agree. It was recommended that I combine the protein with Almond milk so both Michael and I tried it when we got home as a substitute for lunch and we both really enjoyed it. After my therapy appointment, we went to the gym Β for an hour where I did 15 minutes of elliptical (without stopping I might add) and 40 minutes on the treadmill. From there, we went to a cinema pub to watch American Hustle. I knew we were going there before so I was able to look at the menu and decide what I was going to get and plan accordingly. I indulged in buffalo chicken eggrolls with 2tbl of Blue cheese and a spinach salad with grilled chicken. Plus, 2 glasses of wine! It was nice to know where I was calorie wise and not feel too guilty to indulge in myself. With the extra calories that I earned from the gym, I only went over my daily amount by around 150 calories. Not bad for a first day.

Day 2: Sunday went pretty well. I know the beginning of the post made it seem grim but that’s not fair. We woke up early again and went to the gym where I did about 50 minutes on the treadmill. After the gym, I took a shower and a prompt nap. We were going to a friends house for around 2pm and I was so excited. I saved a lot of my calories throughout the day in anticipation of having some wine and other food that I didn’t know would be there. It is always such a great time when we go that it was so easy to let myself indulge in absolutely everything. Chili dip (amazing), BBQ Ribs and cornbread and homemade chocolate cake. chocolate freaking cake. It was incredible I didn’t and still don’t have any regrets but I will say this. I woke up this morning and I have been nauseous for the better part of the morning. Now before anyone starts screaming BABY after a women says she is nauseated, I just got my period yesterday. (You’re welcome guys for that TMI πŸ˜‰ )

Waking up today, I decided to seriously keep it light. I did find that 331dfa6c2a703feef6a868e7b07ab954Michael had finished the Almond Milk to make protein shakes that he apparently is all on board for now. Thanks for leaving me 4oz which isn’t enough for a full scoop! AArrrrggggg. Luckily we have skim milk so don’t cry for me Argentina. I will basically just try to make it through the day at work today and hope I feel better in time to go home. If I don’t go to the gym, I think I will try a beginner’s yoga class on youtube or something. Meh. The important thing is that I indulged yesterday and I do not feel regret. We had a great time with friends and I wouldn’t take that away. The way I feel this morning though I think is a good motivator to eat a little bit better though.

You are not suck!

The quote that I used for the title of this post was actually “You are not stuck,” but I read it wrong and I think this one is way better!

b3aba2d8db5340964a6fcf56c7eb3f92It has recently come to my attention that I do not in fact suck. This is somewhat of a shock to me. I mean, I’ve always known that I was dipped in the awesome sauce as a child but it seems to be dripping away. I have started to slowly get my shit together a couple steps at a time. From my previous post, you know that this was a big issue for me. I’ve started my life binder which is still seen as a mild joke but the bruising is going down.

Speaking of bruising! A huge revelation that has released a boulder from my back happened at the therapist’s office. We spoke about the idea of kids and she asked me why I don’t want them to which I replied, “They are always screaming and needy and annoying and somehow constantly sticky which you can’t explain. Also, what if I have a migraine and can’t physically care for it or can’t move or have an episode. what then?” The therapist gave me a cold hard look that went right through me. She studied my eyes that started to panic and read my thoughts, she looked down and noticed that I started rubbing my right thumb on the joint of my left index finger again. She slowly sighed and said calmly, “We see children in our adult life the way adults treated us when we were children.” WHAT THE FUCK. Holy shitballs, cue my mind blowing up. This explains my whole disdain towards children and why I hate them so much. With the exception of my mother, I was a constant nuisance to everyone and unless I presented myself and spoke as an adult, I wasn’t recognized as a person. It is amazing how knowing the true root of the issue can open your eyes to how you really feel. Turns out, I really do want children but I was too horrified for it to reflect my childhood. If I come to find that I am not able to then I will still accept that as my path and be happy. I just feel so much more at peace with the whole situation.

That being said, Project Life is full steam ahead. (HA! That rhymed!). Michael and I went over a few things that we wanted to do and some goals. We’ve been doing really well on cleaning every day and doing the dishes every day and cooking more. I’ve honestly found that Inertia is working its magic fingers and I have been in motion and staying in motion.

P.S. I just spilled my coffee all over my hands while being distracted by a cute boy so I have that going for me.

A great big wave of opportunity has washed over me recently which is super exciting! I’ve been given the green light to write an article for a website as a contributor! is a credible website with regular writers that cover a variety of topics. 0967f057b90aa2000820ab9ddfc19afaIts not The New Yorker but you know what? IT’S MY FIRST STEP IN THAT DIRECTION! I am writing my article “What makes a woman” and it’s going really well. I can’t wait to present it. It isn’t a paying gig but it could turn into a regular writing contribution, with my own bio and everything! This is the first time that a website other than my own has wanted to publish my writing. I am so excited that I could pee! One of my goals in the life binder is to start writing every day whether it be part of an article, this blog or my writing blog.

I am actually looking forward to the future. I haven’t been able to say that in a long time. I mean really looking forward and trying to see what life will bring. I am not bracing myself for the next wave of disappointment. It is such a strange feeling because I’ve been doing that my entire life. The other shoe has always dropped. I am entering into unknown territory but I am surrounded by wonderful people and this time, I know I will make it no matter what happens.


Ugh – I apologize for the unbelievably fucking corny sayings pictures but they were so damned appropriate so fucking deal with it! ❀ you. πŸ™‚