Project Life (2): Ouch! My Hip!!

There is nothing like that cold, painful and sticky residue on your face from that slap of reality. In this case, that reality is how out of shape I really am. I’ve heard things… I’ve heard things crack that I didn’t know was possible. My muscles have been awakened and they have loudly expressed their displeasure. The mornings have been a series of life alert commercials and wobbling to the bathroom carefully holding my back. It has not been a smooth transition into health mode and I don’t expect it to get easier. I will say one thing though, I am noticing a difference in things other than my decrepit body.


The last few days have been a series of epiphanies and finding different motivations. I weighed myself Tuesday morning after getting a scale finally and found that I’ve lost 8lbs since the last time I’ve been weighed about 6 weeks ago. Knowing that I have started losing right out of the gate is so much more of a relief than the crushing realization of being your heaviest and going from there. Let me just say – what the fuck is with scales now a days?? Every single scale is one of those fancy digital ones with all the bullshit on it. I just want an accurate reading of my weight. No, I don’t need one that talks to me or tells me my BMI or keeps a pie chart. Luckily, I found a cheap one that is the equivalent to the rotary phone but I couldn’t be happier. Yep – screw you and your $150 piece of shit scale! I will take my $11 one and be thrilled! Don’t worry, I’m not going all “My precious” with it but it has been on my mind.

I’ve hit the ground running, per the cliche, in regards to the new life. I’ve decided that At the end of the week, I will list the days and my calorie count for each day and how much I worked out. This way I am accountable and can keep track on here as well as on my tracker at home. I shall call this…. UPDATE! We’ve gone to the gym every day with the exception of Monday because I was so nauseous and I’ve gained more stamina and determination with each visit. Yesterday, I started to enjoy how hard I was working on the treadmill and felt my body react differently to the workout. I liked the burn and pushed for more instead of slowed down and cowered away. Food wise, I have been doing exceptionally well if I do say so myself. I’ve been within my 1260 limit for the past two days and really being aware of what I eat. Surprisingly enough, I’ve been able to keep my cravings in check or indulge, just not over indulge and account for it. It’s been interesting so far but having the support of three co-workers specifically that I see constantly, it has been incredibly helpful. I almost feel like I’ve never gone through this before because of how well-planned this is and how I am doing. I have NEVER been to the point where I was okay to go to the gym everyday. I am keeping in mind that this is still the first week and it usually gets more difficult within the next few but I have high hopes. I’m sick of starting over.

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