Project Life (1) : Shut up and Squat!

Project life officially started on Saturday, March 1st and the weekend went “okay.” I have definitely become more mindful of what I am eating and counting calories has been such a wake up call that it has shown me just how much my choices have been affecting me. I was faced with some challenges this weekend though and I am certainly paying for them. The changes that I am instilling is that I will be eating much healthier within a calorie goal of 1280/day. Exercising or at least moving every day. Continuing with the 993022_617707251617404_1261670445_ncleaning schedule and participating in an Ab & Squat Challenge that I saw from a Facebook friend Adventures of a Shrinking Fat Girl. I’ve made sure that the people around me are aware of my feelings and goals and I have more encouragement and guidance than I ever had before. Also, I made an inspiration wall for my bedroom so I can see every day why I am making the decisions that I am making. There are a few quotes that really spoke to me, one talked about three months from now, you will wish you started today. Another one is “You don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great.” That really helped me in the right direction.

Inspiration Wall
Inspiration Wall

Day 1: Saturday went really well for the most part. It started with waking up early and going grocery shopping before 9am which was fantastic. I had made a list of all the food I wanted to get and had a ecd735f77a67f8531f89278d608cf313plan to make a “Snack drawer” (Thanks Pinterest!). I even had a friend of mine make notes on my list to help with any more direction I needed. Then we went to Walgreen to get Whey Protein and a scale so I can begin to track my progress. Apparently, scales are hard to come by because there was only one place that it is carried and they were completely out of them. The whey protein was a smaller container and only $15 with my points so Michael was more apt to agree. It was recommended that I combine the protein with Almond milk so both Michael and I tried it when we got home as a substitute for lunch and we both really enjoyed it. After my therapy appointment, we went to the gym  for an hour where I did 15 minutes of elliptical (without stopping I might add) and 40 minutes on the treadmill. From there, we went to a cinema pub to watch American Hustle. I knew we were going there before so I was able to look at the menu and decide what I was going to get and plan accordingly. I indulged in buffalo chicken eggrolls with 2tbl of Blue cheese and a spinach salad with grilled chicken. Plus, 2 glasses of wine! It was nice to know where I was calorie wise and not feel too guilty to indulge in myself. With the extra calories that I earned from the gym, I only went over my daily amount by around 150 calories. Not bad for a first day.

Day 2: Sunday went pretty well. I know the beginning of the post made it seem grim but that’s not fair. We woke up early again and went to the gym where I did about 50 minutes on the treadmill. After the gym, I took a shower and a prompt nap. We were going to a friends house for around 2pm and I was so excited. I saved a lot of my calories throughout the day in anticipation of having some wine and other food that I didn’t know would be there. It is always such a great time when we go that it was so easy to let myself indulge in absolutely everything. Chili dip (amazing), BBQ Ribs and cornbread and homemade chocolate cake. chocolate freaking cake. It was incredible I didn’t and still don’t have any regrets but I will say this. I woke up this morning and I have been nauseous for the better part of the morning. Now before anyone starts screaming BABY after a women says she is nauseated, I just got my period yesterday. (You’re welcome guys for that TMI 😉 )

Waking up today, I decided to seriously keep it light. I did find that 331dfa6c2a703feef6a868e7b07ab954Michael had finished the Almond Milk to make protein shakes that he apparently is all on board for now. Thanks for leaving me 4oz which isn’t enough for a full scoop! AArrrrggggg. Luckily we have skim milk so don’t cry for me Argentina. I will basically just try to make it through the day at work today and hope I feel better in time to go home. If I don’t go to the gym, I think I will try a beginner’s yoga class on youtube or something. Meh. The important thing is that I indulged yesterday and I do not feel regret. We had a great time with friends and I wouldn’t take that away. The way I feel this morning though I think is a good motivator to eat a little bit better though.

2 thoughts on “Project Life (1) : Shut up and Squat!

  1. Love your blog, inspirational and motivating! We all have our own journeys with weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle but keep it up! Sounds like you’re doing great, stay in touch if you need outside motivation from a helping hand

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