In tragedy every moment is eternity; in comedy, eternity is a moment.

2e4719746140efeaac54d2918616197bI am having a crisis of faith. Not in religion, but in humanity. On 4/15/13, two (2) explosions were detonated at the Boston Marathon resulting in the deaths of (3) people and the injuries of over a hundred. This alone, is very tragic and makes me question everything about what people are capable of doing. I’ve stated before that my fiance is an anarchist and he doesn’t believe in the government and is always questioning authority. Normally, it doesn’t bother me at all and I usually even admire it. Lately though, it has been affecting me. Ever since the explosions had happened and everyone that we know are okay, the questions and conspiracy theories began to rise. Pictures and status updates are being posted on Facebook and all other comments about how the government planted this to instill fear. I, personally disagree. I think this was a horrible thing that someone did to gain attention or to move some terrorist agenda. Am I naive to think that the government wasn’t involved?? Maybe but I am choosing to not include that into my mind while processing the whole situation. It has now gotten to the point where our friends are approaching me to have him stop because he seems so insensitive and disrespectful. We are losing friends. Normally, I would laugh and say that it’s “freedom of speeeeeech!” or “it’s gooooood that he is questioning authority and I agreeeeee!” but I can’t. Most of all, it makes me uncomfortable. I hate the fact that I am being put in the middle of this. I have never been in this situation before despite the fact of his views because an issue like this has never hit this close to home. We know people that were there or working very close by. ::sigh:: I just hate that I am being put in a position where our friends are treating us differently because he is so vocal about his opinions which I don’t necessarily agree with. At the same time, is this one of those situations where I feel uncomfortable because there is confrontation as a result of political views?? Do my views have the same affect on him and he doesn’t tell me?? Am I just going crazy??

On a lighter note and I fucking need one… I got my Mary Kay starter kit in the mail last night!!! I am so overwhelmed with the whole thing though that it really freaks me out… haha. The consultant website is a myriad of information available and I just don’t even know where to start! I am having a party on 4/28 which will help me get started and kind of go from there. Overall though, I am greatly looking forward to this opportunity. I think I will be successful because I know that I am more than capable of doing this. Between this and the magazine, I am a very busy lady. Keeps my mind occupied from the massive medical bill that has befallen us. Ugh – I absolutely fucking hate… I will say that again for emphasis… FUCKING HATE the health care industry. This is why I personally do not donate any money to the large cancer research foundations because when you do the research… most of the money is spent elsewhere and pushing their own political agenda. Not that I have cancer (thank goodness for right now) but I can definitely say that all that money donated is not helping the little people who are suffering through tests and treatments. Unless there is a smaller organization that focuses on a specific issue or program – you have to be careful. I am now t


housands of dollars in debt and I am not currently in any radiation treatment as of right now… how fucked up is that?? I am also being forced to take specific tests that relate to my issues just because I am a women. The feminist in me freaks out each time.

Basically, today… I hate everything. I hate how people are so cruel and hateful and are capable of such horrific acts and I hate greed and corporate gluttony at the expense of other’s anguish. I am trying to have hope that there are people that are good in this world and also that there are people that stand up for what is truly right. I am always hoping that in time, I will be one of those people.

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