Be so good they can’t ignore you!

Oh Steve Martin, you are a wise man and a sexy son of a bitch. I am finding myself repeating this mantra to better motivate my ideals and plans. In all actuality, this has truly been my year. I really shouldn’t be able to complain, but I will because that is how I roll my timber. A lot has happened this year and I have changed and taken on many different things. The fact that it is only April excites me to see what is next.

I’ve started my journey with Mary Kay. It’s official, I am diving into the pool of sales with my pink bags. There are many aspects that I truly love about Mary Kay though which makes this spontaneous decision that much better. They really appreciate all of the employees, rewards and encouragement and promotions are given on a regular basis to challenge and praise everyone, the products are great, there is room to grow and be promoted and you can earn a car!! I am so motivated and determined to succeed in this. I love that I have the support system within the company to help me achieve what I want to achieve. It is the kind of atmosphere that you believe you can do anything no matter how much time you choose to put into it. It’s been a slow start but I am determined to make a name for myself!

Yep! That’s me after the party with some of Mary Kay goodies!

The biggest problem that I am experiencing is balancing my time. I’ve always had that problem. I am really motivated and I stick to a routine for like a week, then it slowly fizzles out. I hate myself for it each time. I don’t know if it is just me being lazy or if I can blame it on one of my ailments. Who the hell knows but now it’s my constant uphill battle. I cannot fail and I will not fail. I have found that if I keep the inspiration up and find new things that spark that little fire inside my happy place – I am off and running. I had my debut party yesterday which was pretty awesome! I didn’t have quite as many people as I was hoping for there but it was a good time regardless. I sold some stuff which was great and I was able to book a few parties. Hizzah! It is possible! Now, it is getting over the fear of the first party and trucking forward.

This past Saturday was also my anniversary with my fiance. 6 years we have been together and we celebrated in an EPIC way by going to the zoo and the Museum of Natural History. It was amazing!

I have been getting better about writing more often but I feel like I wait to write until I have more to say; as though I am writing in a journal. I know that it’s okay to think that because I really feel as though this is very therapeutic but I think that I will start trying to write in it every day. About everything. It will help improve my writing (which I need) and also keep my creative juices flowing. It won’t always be long and it certainly will not always be relevant but I’ve been reading other blogs lately and I find that the ones I like most are the most relatable. On my path to finding myself and discovering my inner writing genius, I will emulate that idea and go from there.

Until next time cupcakes!! Oh…. cupcakes… GAH! Anyways…. to leave you in high spirits, I have attached a video that had me sobbing hysterically while trying to stifle the sound this morning at work. I almost suffocated in the process but it was well worth it! ENJOY!