Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.

I don’t care how much power, brilliance or energy you have, if you don’t harness it and focus it on a specific target, and hold it there you’re never going to accomplish as much as your ability warrants. ~Zig Ziglar

The big day, I have decided, will begin on Sunday, February 3rd, 2013. The program that I have chosen to follow has the meal plans and shopping lists spread out from Sunday through to Saturday. I also have made an appointment with my doctor for tomorrow at 11:15am to do a full blood panel and all of that jazz and I made an appointment with my acupuncturist for 2/10/13. I also decided what I was going to do for my fiancé for Valentine’s day. I feel very accomplished today. After doing all of this at work and feeling productive, yes – I completely agree with the irony, I decided that I was going to set goals for myself as well as rewards. I have thought about this a lot. I don’t want to set myself up to fail and I definitely want to allow reasonable results. I refuse to be one of those people that say “Boo! I have been on this diet for 2 weeks and have not lost 40lbs!!” I should note too that I have been this person and my procrastination and laziness certainly does not work well in my favor. So, the detox program that I am doing is 3 weeks – I will set that as a goal that includes NO cheating what so ever. It won’t work if there are cheats involved. Goodbye stigma of once a cheater, always a cheater (with food)! I will set another goal after the 6 week trial basis that I have agreed to with my doctor. I am going to re-evaluate where I am at that point and set new goals accordingly. Hopefully, after the trial basis and I start getting my shit together… I can start to focus on losing weight and working out again.

I had included a quote at the beginning of this post which really spoke to what I was trying to say. “I don’t care how much power, brilliance or energy you have, if you don’t harness it and focus it on a specific target, and hold it there you’re never going to accomplish as much as your ability warrants.” by Zig Ziglar. I feel like society doesn’t note how important this is. We put such high standards on everything that the goals that we set fail before we start them and if we don’t keep focusing on what we want, we will never know what we are capable of. I find this true and very inspiring I know at least 3 people right now that want to lose 70+ lbs. by Christmas… of this year! As admirable as it is to make that decision and that step to lose the weight, odds are… that goal will not be reached. It’s not realistic. Does that make me a cynic? No! I am a very optimistic person… dammit, but I think that it is smarter and more effective to set a goal to get healthy and work out more and go on that basis versus just based on the numbers your scale shows. Let me tell you something – SCALES SUCK! They are evil pieces of plastic and metal and the ones that talk are the manifestations of the devil! We have a mutual hatred for each other. I have accepted this as fact so I try not to associate myself with any. Even at the doctor’s office – I act as though I am being bathed in holy water when I step on the scale… It is not a popular reaction.

Anyways – what rewards to set for myself? I am absolutely open to suggestions. A big one that I want is my own new laptop. I want to have the ability to go online, blog, watch porn (JK mom! I have it on TV, ha-ha) whenever I want without having to ask permission. I know that will not be for a while as there are some debts to pay off first which definitely take priority. But something like getting through 6 weeks without sugar does not equal a new laptop – that’s like a high five territory. I think that I will reward myself with the following:

Goal 1: Completing the 3 week detox cleanse Paleo Diet – Reward: Manicure & Pedicure

Goal 2: Completing the 6 week trial basis as agreed upon with Doctor – Reward: Alex & Ani Khaki drop healing earrings

I try not to give myself too much of materialistic goals. The first goal I have decided is to represent some pampering that my body will absolutely need after the torture of withdrawals!! Then, the 6 week trial – the earrings that I want have the khaki crystal in them which represent healing and health wellness. What better representation??

My goal for this week though? Stuff myself with as much sugar and gluten as my body can handle!! Oh – is that a random candy bar from 3 years ago in the pantry? NOM NOM NOM! Oh – you want to go to that breakfast place that uses bacon grease in the eggs and toast and has Cream cheese stuffed French toast? Fuck yeah!! I may be getting violently sick every night but I need to taste buffalo wings while I still can!! Nooooooo buffalooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! And… wine. Need I say more? Bam!

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